WhmSoft Services
Files for Mobiles, Files to Download and Videos to Watch

Music - Ringtone - Logo - Photo - Clipart - Video - Game
Daily Music, Image and Flash Animation (RSS and WAP)

Files for Mobiles and Files to Download
Point(s) per SMS via Gateway: see below
Maximum count of phone numbers: 100
Current date & time: 07/26/2024 23:54:17

Please fill in all fields below:
You can get a ticket code by clicking on a link below.
Mobile Number(s) and Message fields are mandatory.
If there are many phone numbers, they must be separated by the semicolon char (;).
A phone number is the national mobile number, without space or punctuation, with the possible first zero.
Most SMS carriers impose a limit of 160 characters or less in the Message body.

Phone Number(s):
Ticket Code:
Characters Left
Country (+code, points per SMS):

Please Hit Send Only Once, it may take a few moments to send message, please wait.


  Buy 500 points - €5
  Buy 1000 points - €10
  Buy 1500 points - €15
  Buy 2000 points - €20


Files for Mobiles | Files to Download
Videos to Watch | Free Online Games
Music, Electronic Music, Ringtones, Logos, Photos, Cliparts, Videos and Games
Daily Music, Image and Flash Animation
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